Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm back; too bad for generation X.

So I haven't had the chance to post in some time - I was off spring, and didn't do a whole lot of blogging (although I did manage to keep up on my RSS feeds) due to a new addition in our family, however, summer semester is now in session - and I am teaching - so be ready for a few more regular postings. Here's the first of many: According to business week (see image) we, generation X, are not as "into" social networking groups as I had imagined. In fact it looks like we're being out done by the youth and teens of the day. I guess we better up our blogging, wiki use, facebook and myspace posting, if we want to save... face! The one stat that I actually found most interesting was that of RSS use; it's interesting to see that each age group seems to be using it within relatively close parameters. I hate to say it, but I really don't see my parents using RSS - in fact, I am guessing they don't even know what RSS stands for. Perhaps these stats are not as trustworthy as they present themselves. Regardless, this information is instructional helpful and should influence how we are teaching the youth of the day - besides the graphs are pretty.

1 comment:

Rivera Family said...


I will have to admit. I do not have a myspace or facebook account. i have no blog or wiki. I just barely learned what RSS stands for. Am i a lost soul in the sea of technology? I seem to use the internet more for information searches.